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Version: v4


We have a number of resources that will help you while integrating CometChat in your app.

1. All Real-Time Delegates (Listeners)

The CometChat provides you with live events related to users, groups, messages, and calls. Click here to learn more about Real-time Listeners.

2. Publishing to the App Store


To publish your App on App Store please follow this guide.

3. Increment App Icon Badge Count


Learn how to increment your app's icon badge count.

4. API Reference (Swift Doc)

Learn more about iOS SDK's public API's.

5. Upgrading from v1


Upgrading from v1.x to v2 is fairly simple. Click here to know about the major changes that are released as a part of CometChat Pro v2.

6. Remove Delivered Notifications

Learn how to remove delivered notifications.

7. Launch call screen on tap of push notification


Learn how to launch an incoming call screen from the UI Kit library on receiving an incoming call notification.

8. Launch chat window on tap of push notification


Learn how to launch a chat window from the UI Kit library on receiving a new message notification.

9. Prepare your app for background updates


Learn how to prepare your app for background updates