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Version: v3

UI Kit Library Structure

UI Kit Library is a collection of custom UI Components designed to build text chat and voice/video calling features in your application. It includes three different packages.

UI Components

In Android UI Kit Library it's ui_component package contains list independents packages.

CometChat UI

ui_components/cometchat_ui includes a file. Please check below link to learn more about CometChat UI

Documentation CometChatUI


ui_components/chats includes a file which is used to display chat list.

Documentation CometChatConversationList


ui_components/users includes a files which are used to display a user list Documentation CometChatUserList


ui_components/groups includes a files which are used to handle group related operations such as Showing Group List, Showing Banned Member List, Showing Group Details.

Package NameDescription
ui_components/groups/add_membersIt includes files that are used to display "Add Member Screen" and handle certain operations.
ui_components/groups/admin_moderator_listIt includes files that are used to display "Admin" or "Moderators" List in group and handle certain operations
ui_components/groups/banned_membersIt includes files that are used to display "Banned Members" list and handle certain operations
ui_components/groups/create_groupIt includes file which is used to display "Create Group" Activity/Fragment. Through this user can create groups of their choice.
ui_components/groups/group_detailsIt includes file which is used to launch "Group Details" Activity. It also includes certain opertions such as "Update Group", "Remove Member", "Ban Member", "Leave Group" or "Delete Group"
ui_components/groups/group_listIt includes files which is used to show "Group List".
ui_components/groups/group_membersIt includes files that are used to show "Group Members" List in Activity or Fragment.


ui_components/messages includes files which are using to handle messages related operations.

ui_components/messages/message_listIt includes files which are used to load 1-1 & group chats. It also the operations such as "edit","delete","forward" and many others.
Documentation CometChatMessageList
ui_components/messages/thread_message_listIt includes files which are used to load threaded conversation of a messages. It also the operations such as "edit","delete","forward" and many others.
ui_components/messages/message_informationIt includes file which are used to display message information for group messages only.

It show list of members to whom the message is being delivered or read.
ui_components/messages/message_actionsIt includes file which is used to display options such as "Edit Message","Delete Message", "Message Information", "Start a Thread", "Share Message" & many more in BottomSheetNavigations.

It is used in both message_list & thread_message_list
ui_components/messages/media_viewIt includes a file which is used to open Image, Video & Audio Message in seperate window when clicked from CometChatMessageList
ui_components/messages/live_reactionIt includes a file which are used to handle live reaction that are added in CometChatMessageList.
ui_components/messages/forward_messageIt includes a file which is used to Forward message to any other conversations.
It is been used in CometChatMessageList & CometChatThreadMessageList.
ui_components/messages/extensionsIt includes a files which are used to handle extensions such as Collaborative Whiteboard, Writeboard, Reactions, etc.


ui_components/calls includes the files which are used to handle call related operations. Such as Call Logs, Incoming & Outgoing Call Screens, Listeners ,etc

Package NameDescriptionDescriptions
ui_componets/calls/call_listIt includes files which are used to display calls list

ui_components/calls/call_managerIt includes files which are used to handle calls, show incoming & outgoing call screen, join ongoing call.

User Profile

ui_components/user_profile includes a files which is used to show logged-in user related information. It perform update user operation on logged-in user. It also includes files which display "Block User List"

ui_components/user_profile/CometChatUserProfile.javaThis file is used to display User Profile. It also perform Update User operations
ui_components/user_profile/privacy_and_securityIt includes files which is used to display "Block User List"



ui_components/shared includes a file which has core components that are being used accross UI Kit library. Please check below link to learn more about "Shared"

Documentation Shared

UI Resources

It includes helper & utils file which are used accross UI Kit library.


This package is important in UI Kit Library. So it needs to be updated

UI Settings

It includes file which is used to modify the uikit features which making any changes at code level.


This package is important in UI Kit Library. So it needs to be updated